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Heart Bingo Terms And Conditions


The following rules (“Rules”) together with Global Radio’s ('Global Radio') general and competition terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) which can be found at. Before signing up, you should be familiar with the most important conditions affecting the welcome bonus: You must be a new customer to Heart Bingo, You need to make a first deposit of at least £10 to qualify for the Heart Bingo promotional code offer You need.

bingo hall means a type of charitable gaming site where a charitable organization conducts and manages a lottery scheme under the authority of a licence issued by a municipality or by the Registrar.

Board of Directors means the individuals elected or appointed to manage the affairs of the licensee.

bona fide member means a member in good standing of the licensee who has other activities, beyond conducting lotteries, within the organization. “Members of convenience” whose only activity is to assist with the Table Board Bingo are not considered bona fide members.

books and records means documents outlining financial details of lottery events and includes, but is not limited to, ledgers, sub ledgers, cheque books, cheque stubs, deposit books, deposit slips, bank statements, cancelled cheques, receipts, invoices and records relating to the control, recording and summarizing of cash transactions.

charitable gaming site means a gaming site where a charitable organization conducts and manages a lottery scheme under the authority of a licence issued by a municipality or by the Registrar.

gaming site means premises or an electronic channel maintained for the purpose of playing or operating a lottery scheme.

Hall Charities Association (HCA) means an association formed by all the licensees conducting bingo and other lotteries within a charitable gaming site.

licensee means an organization that has been issued a licence to conduct a lottery under Section 207 of the Criminal Code of Canada and includes a bingo sponsors’ association.

licensing authority means a person or authority specified by Lieutenant Governor in Council as a licensing authority for purposes of section 207 of the Criminal Code of Canada.

Regular Bingo licence means a licence permitting the conduct of bingo where the total prizes for any one (1) event do not exceed $5,500.

Special (Monster) Bingo Licence means a licence permitting the conduct of bingo where the total prizes to be awarded for any one (1) event is greater than $5,500.

Table Board Bingo game(s) means bingo games that are conducted and managed by a licensee of a regular bingo or the Hall Charities Association using a Table Board Bingo device.

Table Board Bingo device means a mechanical device that contains a permanent bingo card and shutters, which are used by the player to cover numbers on the permanent bingo card to mark the numbers that have been called by the bingo caller.

Table Board Bingo Event means an event during which only Table Board Bingo games are played.

Table Board Bingo means a lottery scheme where consideration is given for a chance to win a cash prize or prizes by being the first to complete a specified arrangement of numbers on a Table Board Bingo device from numbers selected at random.

In addition to the terms and conditions set out below all Table Board Bingo licences issued are subject to the Regular and Special (Monster) Bingo Licence Terms and Conditions. A licensee may be subject to audit and investigation by a licensing authority. A breach of any term and condition can result in the cancellation or suspension of the licence or in prosecution.

It is a condition of each licence that:

(1) General

1.1 The licensee is responsible for conducting and managing the Table Board Bingo Event.

1.2 The licensee must conduct a Table Board Bingo Event in a fixed time slot.

1.3 A manual record of the game must be kept.

1.4 Only the licensee’s bona fide member(s) or designated bingo hall staff may activate the Table Board Bingo device or any playing station.

(2) Licensee

2.1 The licensee is responsible for:

  1. administering and supervising all activities related to conduct and management of the Table Board Bingo games;
  2. completing and filing the required financial report on the results of the event;
  3. keeping all required records and administering the Table Board Bingo trust account;
  4. ensuring that proceeds raised are distributed in accordance with Section 7.3, where a licensee is a Hall Charities Association;
  5. providing and arranging for provision of services by its member organizations with respect to the operation of the Table Board Bingo game and administering the disbursements for monies derived from this game to its member organizations, where a licensee is a Hall Charities Association;
  6. designating persons to be in charge of each Table Board Bingo event on behalf of the association;
  7. opening and maintaining a separate, designated Table Board Bingo lottery trust account to administer the Table Board Bingo game(s);
  8. preparing a separate, monthly report for each Table Board Bingo licence. The report for each month’s activities must be submitted to the licensing authority by the 15th day of the following month.

(3) Staffing

3.1 The licensee must designate and the Hall Charities Association must ensure that its member organizations designate at least two (2) bona fide, active members to be in charge of and responsible for the conduct and management of the bingo on behalf of the licensee.


(4) Conduct and management

4.1 A Table Board Bingo event must be made up entirely of Table Board Bingo game(s).

4.2 Table Board Bingo may be conducted and managed by the Hall Charities Association during a Special (Monster) Bingo event. The Special (Monster) Bingo licensee may not be a member of the Hall Charities Association.

(5) Table Board Bingo device sales

5.1 Table Board Bingo may only be played using Table Board Bingo devices approved by the Registrar of the Alcohol and Gaming or that meet the criteria established by the Registrar.

5.2 The licensee must sell the use of Table Board Bingo devices only for the price indicated and approved on the application for licence.

(6) Prizes

6.1 The prize for each Table Board Bingo game must be awarded to the person or persons achieving a bingo in accordance with the Rules of Play in Section 14 of the Regular and Special (Monster) Bingo Licence Terms and Conditions.

6.2 All prize money must be divided equally amongst all persons achieving a bingo within the same number of calls.

6.3 The licensee must offer flexible prize amounts for Table Board Bingo games based upon a set percentage, not to exceed 60 per cent of the revenues collected for each event, up to the maximum prize board approved in the licence. The set percentage must be noted on the game schedule, in the licence application and on the licence as the maximum prize board.

(7) Proceeds and expenses

7.1 All prizes and expenses incurred as a result of conducting and managing the Table Board Bingo must be deducted and paid out from the gross receipts derived from the Table Board Bingo event. The licensee must not use monies from any other source to pay for expenses related to the Table Board Bingo event.

7.2 Expenses must be reasonable in nature and directly related to the conduct and management of the Table Board Bingo event.

7.3 The Hall Charities Association must ensure that proceeds raised are periodically disbursed to all member organizations participating in the Hall Charities Association.

(8) American currency

8.1 American currency may be used for payment where American currency is accepted for the regular bingo events, as per the Regular and Special Bingo Licence Terms and Conditions, section 10.

(9) Books and records

9.1 The licensee must maintain detailed records of all monies received from the Table Board Bingo event(s) and all disbursements of proceeds derived from the Table Board Bingo event(s).

Heart Bingo Terms And Conditions

(10) Banking and Financial

10.1 The licensee must open and maintain a separate trust account to administer the proceeds and monies derived from the Table Board Bingo licences.

(11) Reporting requirements

Heart Bingo Terms And Conditions

11.1 The licensee must provide the licensing authority with a financial report outlining the results of the Table Board Bingo event on the prescribed form. Copies of all deposit slips related to the events, verified (stamped) by the bank, must accompany the financial report.

11.2 The financial report must be filed by the 15th day of each month outlining the financial details of the Table Board Bingo events for the previous month. The licensing authority may request additional information or documents including invoices or receipts for each cost or expense incurred.

There are many different heart conditions and problems which are collectively called heart disease.

It’s always best to discuss your heart condition with your health professional or heart specialist who can advise you on the correct diagnosis and name of your condition and treatment plan.

Heart disease and different conditions affect the heart’s ability to work efficiently.

It can be worrying and confusing to be diagnosed with a heart condition, but there's a lot of information and support available to you. Sometimes understanding what is happening can help you worry less.

Coronary heart disease

The most common heart condition in Scotland is coronary heart disease. This is caused when the heart’s blood vessels - the coronary arteries - become narrowed or blocked and can’t supply enough blood to the heart.

It can lead to angina and/or a heart attack.

Read more about coronary heart disease


Angina is a pain or discomfort in your chest, arm, neck, stomach or jaw that happens when the blood supply to your heart becomes restricted because of your arteries becoming narrowed. This clogging is called atheroma. Angina is a symptom of coronary heart disease, not an illness in itself.

Angina is your heart’s way of telling you it’s not getting enough oxygen when you’re doing something strenuous or you’re feeling under stress. Many people learn to recognise how much activity will bring on an angina attack - this is called stable angina.

If you have unexplained chest pain, seek urgent medical advice - you will need an assessment of your overall health.

Unstable angina

Unstable angina can be undiagnosed chest pain or a sudden worsening of existing angina. It happens when the blood supply to the heart is severely restricted and angina attacks occur more frequently, with less and less activity.

Heart Bingo Terms And Conditions Examples

These attacks may even happen at rest or wake you from sleep. They can last up to 10 minutes.

You should see your doctor urgently, and you may be admitted to hospital.

Bingo Terms For Numbers

Until tests confirm the diagnosis, this is sometimes called Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS).

Read more about angina

Heart attack

A heart attack - also known as myocardial infarction or MI - happens when the blood supply to part of your heart muscle becomes completely blocked. This is most commomly caused by a piece of fatty material breaking off and a blood clot forms within a coronary artery. This can cause damage to the part of your heart muscle which that particular coronary artery was supplying.

Read more about the symptoms of a heart attack

Heart failure

If the heart’s pumping action can’t work effectively, your heart muscle can’t meet your body’s demand for blood and oxygen, and your body develops various different symptoms, like fatigue and shortness of breath. This is called heart failure because of the failure of your heart to work efficiently.

Heart bingo terms and conditions

Read more about heart failure

Arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythms)

The heart muscle has its own electrical system which helps to stimulate the heartbeat. If the electrical signals within your heart are interrupted or disturbed, your heart can beat too quickly (tachycardia), too slowly (bradycardia) and/or in an irregular way. This is called an arrhythmia.

Read about arrhythmia on the Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland website

Valve disease

The valves open and close to regulate the flow of blood through the heart. Problems with the valves can increase the workload of your heart and can put a strain on your heart muscle, leading to a range of symptoms, like:

  • shortness of breath
  • swollen ankles
  • fatigue
  • chest pain (angina or palpitations)
  • dizziness or fainting

Read about heart valve problems on the Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland website

High blood pressure

Another condition which can affect the heart is high blood pressure or hypertension. Although it’s not a disease in itself, hypertension can lead to an increased risk of developing serious conditions such as coronary heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

Read more about high blood pressure and reducing the risks to your heart

Congenital heart conditions

Congenital heart conditions occur when there’s an abnormality or defect with the structure of the heart of a developing foetus while inside the mother’s womb. A baby may be born with only one defect or with several defects. Some types of congenital heart defects are life-threatening, either immediately to the newborn or over time.

Read more about congenital heart disease

Inherited heart conditions

Inherited conditions can be passed on through families. They are sometimes called familial or genetic heart conditions.

They can affect people of any age and can be life-threatening. The first sign there’s a problem is often when someone dies suddenly with no obvious cause.

Heart Health Bingo

These conditions are different from most congenital heart conditions, although some congenital conditions can also be inherited.

Heart Bingo Terms And Conditions Associated

Read more about inherited heart conditions