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Roulette Strategy Systems

Mini Roulette Strategy: Mini Roulette is a popular varation of roulette which has just 13 spaces with the numbers from 0-12. In this article I discuss the ideal mini roulette strategy. Numbers Betting System: This is probably one of the more obscure betting systems out there. It’s quite complex and requires a bit of work so be sure to be. CLICK THIS LINK TO START WINNING NOW!!!Learn to win at roulette every time you play! Visit the site listed below!

  1. Winning Roulette Strategy Systems
  2. Roulette Tips


A roulette strategy is usually a method designed to help roulette players win when playing roulette. The usual roulette strategy is governed by a set of rules for mechanical play and is usually very systematic.

However, mechanical systems that do not take bet selection into consideration will ultimately fail. Even if bet selection is taken into consideration, a roulette strategy can still fail.

There is no guarantee that any method will never fail. However, it is not all doom and gloom. There are highly creative approaches that can help you win consistently, and this is what you will find here.

A Good Roulette Strategy Must Tell You ...


This is the most critical component which so many roulette players lack. You can't win without proper bet selection!


You need to know exactly how much to bet each spin. Without proper money management, your bankroll is doomed!


Timing is everything! Imagine if you able to bet timely on a strong trend, you would minimize your risk right?. Do you know how to do that?


Roulette strategies have existed as far back as the game itself and, the game is, without a doubt, one of the most iconic games in any casino.

If you have ever set foot inside a real casino, you will recall the unmistakable lure and excitement of the roulette table.

Eyes, on anxious faces, focus on the little white ball spinning round and round in the opposite direction to the wheel. 37 pockets (for European wheels) are ready and waiting for the ball to drop in as it decelerates, one revolution after another.

As you observe the expressions on the faces of players sat at the table, the intense excitement of onlookers standing around the table is undeniable.

This question must have crossed your mind and many others' minds ...what is the best roulette strategy to win at roulette?

“Is there a way to beat the wheel ?”


Ever since the invention of roulette, people from all walks of life have attempted to decipher the 'roulette secrets' and many scientists, mathematicians, statisticians, and even nuclear physicists, have attempted to create THE roulette strategy or roulette system that beat the house, but sadly, all have had limited success.

Every roulette strategy or roulette betting system I know out there focuses mainly on the betting aspects (money management) to try and overcome the house edge - which is literally impossible.

Check out some of the most popular roulette strategies (Part-I) in the free eBook below. And since everybody is trying to make money playing roulette, this eBook comes with a bonus (Part-II) that gives you a blueprint to create passive income.

Read it now with a FREE Membership!


THE BIGGEST PROBLEM of any roulette player is the BET SELECTION process. With 37 numbers on a European Roulette wheel, it is indeed quite a daunting task to pick a winning number.

The Roulette Code's intent is to show you powerful roulette strategies that offer ways of tracking results to identify trends which you can leverage on. These roulette strategy ebooks are the complete collection written by Dr. Young K. Lim which formed part of his live one-on-one workshops which he no longer conducts.

There are no chapters and chapters of introduction to the game or anecdotes just to increase the number of pages. There's no fluff! It doesn't matter if you are totally new to the game of roulette or if you are a seasoned player, these publications on roulette strategies have plenty to offer you.

With almost 40 years of experience playing and researching the game of roulette, the author has developed and refined a really unique, simple, but extremely powerful system of analysis to swing the advantage in favor of the player.


'The Difference System' [TDS] is indeed a different and exciting approach and only a small group of people have had the privilege to learn the system and strategies by attending private workshops conducted by the author. The full course material is now available online and you can get instant access to it right now! 'The Difference System' and the method of analysis is the backbone of each and every roulette strategy presented here.

The roulette systems below offer exciting roulette tips on the best way to play roulette and ultimately the best way to win at roulette. These books are not intended for beginners. They are meant for seasoned roulette professional players. Although the primary focus in on the single-zero European roulette wheel, with some adjustments, they can also be used for the double zero American wheels.



'Roulette Secrets Unveiled' is based primarily on materials used during those workshops, but with the addition of the latest 'Dynamic-D' strategy.

Anyone thinking of playing roulette in any capacity should read this, and it is definitely a MUST READ for anyone contemplating a professional career playing roulette.

Over 190+ pages with 150+ illustrations of power-packed information that every serious roulette player should know!

  • Powerful analysis technique helps you identify 'What numbers to bet'
  • When you KNOW 'What To Bet' at the table, you are already miles ahead of all the other players next to you!
  • Effective roulette betting strategies tell you 'How much to bet and when to bet'
  • Dynamic-D helps minimize your risk on progressive betting
  • The Dynamic-D strategy is literally hitting the casinos without them even realizing it!
  • Logical, very easy to follow & master
  • Learn to 'not gamble', but instead, treat roulette playing as a business


Winning Roulette Strategy Systems


'Roulette Anti-X' is about flat-betting for those who do not like to play progressions. It is always wise to equip oneself with more than one strategy or approach to the game and 'Roulette Anti-X' is a unique and powerful roulette strategy well worth having under one's belt.

  • Simple to understand & to master
  • Playable on both European and American roulette wheels
  • Flat betting = Low risk = Less stress
  • Not necessary to chart extensively before you start betting - not boring!
  • Low bankroll requirements
  • Money management & business planning for steady progress



'Roulette Reverse Dynamic-D' was published in 2017 and was only available as a printed book for the last 2 years but now, for the first time, it is being released here as an eBook. RRDD's approach to bet selection is based on reverse engineering the monitored values of Dynamic-D with the intention of mitigating the issue of divergence of fluctuations.

  • Fully illustrated with case studies makes it easy to follow
  • Well over 200 pages carefully explains the process in a step-by-step manner
  • RRDD approaches the bet selection process from a completely new angle often with pin-point accuracy
  • Bankroll required to apply RRDD is manageable for the professional player



'Advanced Difference System 2.0' is the latest publication released (March 2019) by Dr. Lim and is currently his system of choice for roulette. ADS 2.0 is POWERFUL - VERY POWERFUL AND VERY ROBUST!

What is best roulette strategy
  • Fully illustrated with sample session recording and explanation
  • Over 120 pages of content recaps 'The Difference System' [TDS] and follows through with what's new in ADS 2.0
  • ADS 2.0 not only completely eliminates the threat of a zero occurrence - it converts the threat into a positive advantage.
  • ADS 2.0 is easy to master and bankroll requirement is not too high - minimal risk
  • ADS 2.0 has only one single point of failure - a very unlikely point of failure at that.
  • Easy to secure consistent wins and ideal for professionals seeking to play regularly on a daily basis
  • Best roulette strategy 2019
  • Need more info? - click here for details

Are these Roulette Strategy eBooks for you?

If you are sick and tired of losing to the casino all the time, they are for you!

Have you been let down by systems that failed to deliver? If Yes, they are for you!

Looking for logical and powerful ideas to help your game? If Yes, they are for you!

Most mathematicians are not gamblers

and most gamblers are not mathematicians!

I am sure you have come across online discussions in gambling forums where there will always be somebody (mathematician/s) tearing down on a system under discussion.

They use simulators to test all systems for hundreds of millions of spins and then report that it failed. Who cares really?

Even for the most prolific gambler who can play say 16 hours a day, and play every single day for 20 years, that would total just 2,336,000 spins (on an average of 3 minutes a spin).

Real professional gamblers do not care if you have simulated results for 10,000,000 or 300,000,000 spins because the results are totally irrelevant because big data does not really apply when you play.


The reason is simple - with simulations and tests, every single spin is played and taken into account. This NEVER happens in real live play! It is extremely rare for a player to bet on every single spin in a session of roulette and that is why results from simulating hundreds of millions of spins are totally useless and irrelevant.

Nobody is disagreeing with what big data says, in fact, I think all professional gamblers acknowledge the facts. However, when you play you are going to be concerned only with what is happening at that moment and the implications of big data can be safely ignored. Anyone depending on the guidance of big data during live action should not be gambling at all, let alone gamble professionally!

Roulette Strategy Systems

Feeling confused and let down by other books?

Want a roulette strategy that works?

We have the most successful roulette strategy eBooks!

Most books on roulette strategies are either too mathematical (which doesn't help anyone because they cannot be applied) or they are just focused on the money management aspects and based on well-known methods such as The Martingale, The Labouchere, The D'Alembert, The Fibonacci, The Parlay, or variations of all of them.

However, without taking bet selection into consideration, these methods are not being optimally applied and will fail if simply applied mechanically.

It is fair to say that there's probably NO mechanical system that can beat the game. But our primary objective is NOT to beat the game! Too many players spent too much time and money chasing after the 'Holy Grail'.

They want to find the elusive system that they can apply like clockwork and win all the time without having to do any analysis. I have bad news for players like that - you will NOT find this system and you are wasting your time and money trying.

You don't need to beat the game.

You just need to make a profit!

The point is, you do not need to beat the game all the time in order to make a profit, and presumably that is the common objective? - to make a profit?

If you agree then you are at the right place because we will open your eyes to various ways of tackling the game which you have never thought of before, and once you have these skills under your belt, you will be better equipped to give the casino a run for their money whenever you play roulette.


I am NOT promising you a 'Holy Grail' system here, but with the knowledge you gain, you can formulate your own strategy to suit your bankroll and your personal style of play.

Sounds logical to you?

A lot of mechanical players will read about a system will often just focus on these typical questions:

  • How many spins have you tested this on? Have you run it against a database of 300,000,000 spins?
  • What is the buy-in bankroll? What is the lifetime bankroll?
  • How many units can I make per session?
  • What is the maximum draw-down units ever?
  • ...and so on and so forth.

It really doesn't matter! Roulette is never going to be beaten mechanically so why worry about those issues?

As mentioned earlier, nobody will ever play 300,000,000 spins in their lifetime. Irrelevant!

As for bankroll and winning units per session, that will depend on your personal plan and capacity. You only formulate your plan once you have the skills to do so.

What 'The Roulette Code' gives you are exciting ideas and guidelines that will increase your confidence. Fear is often caused by ignorance, and knowledge is power!

Remember, gambling is always risky!

If it was risk-free, casinos would not exist!

So what's the point of learning any skills at all?

The point is this: you are either going to gamble by random guessing, or you can gamble with intelligent guessing - the choice is yours. You must have heard this said before...


- by Dr. Louis Pasteur, a French Chemist circa 1854


Chance may bring you success on random occasions but that is not a long term viable approach. If you are serious about becoming a professional roulette player, being fully equipped and prepared will reflect your professionalism and commitment and consequently, your level of confidence will also increase.

A 'prepared mind' will prevent missed insights and opportunities for a breakthrough during your game. Random flashes of insight simply do not happen and there's no imaginary little birdy whispering in your ears to help you win. Achieving success is simply not a result of random actions but they are directly linked to the time and effort you put towards data gathering, data analysis, strategizing, and eventual execution of your game plan.

Look at the stock market or forex traders - they call it investing right? But in reality, that is the biggest casino in the world. Every investment is a gamble is it not? Sure it is, nothing is guaranteed! Do you think these traders and investors are investing randomly or do they utilize various tools to make an informed decision? Even then, NOTHING is guaranteed.

The same applies to the knowledge you will learn here - NOTHING IS GUARANTEED.


I want you to be absolutely clear about this. I don't want to give you any false promises of guaranteed 100% wins like many system sellers do.

On the contrary, I am going to tell you that even after you have learned the knowledge from here, you may still lose your bankroll at some point because there are just too many variables which are not predictable nor controllable and there will be that one occasion when you play 'the session from hell' and you will lose!

The sooner you accept this reality, the sooner you will be able to open your mindset to new ideas that can help improve your game while minimizing the risk of an all-out loss of your bankroll. And even if that did happen on a rare occasion, hopefully, you would have sufficient previous winnings kept in reserve to sustain the loss and ride out the perfect storm to fight another day.

Ready to start?

Click the box below RIGHT NOW for the best roulette strategies!

If you have any questions you can reach us via email:[email protected]

Or you can use the Contact Us form.

Roulette Strategy Explained

You won’t find a casino game with more betting systems than Roulette. Although using them does not guarantee success, it does not mean that having a Roulette strategy cannot have a positive effect on your betting. Below I give you two systems from our list of 45+ Betting Systems that are quite successful and low risk. I have played them both at various casinos with some decent results.

Roulette is a game of many options to bet, some of the equal chance bets such as odd and even (these are known as even bets even though it is less than that when the number zero is taken into account), and others with 35 to 1 payouts (betting on individual numbers).

Therefore, plenty of people have come up with a system which they believe will be a foolproof way to win money.

Roulette strategy that works

If any person came up with one of these, it could potentially take down a casino as they will be losing all the time over the long run. There is no such thing as a Sure win Roulette strategy or a sure winning system for any other casino game for that matter.

There are plenty of sites that promise you loads of fame and fortune if you pay them for their magical, guaranteed formula. If they really had one, though, why would they want to sell it to make money as opposed to using it themselves to win at online or land-based casinos around the world?

It follows that the first point to make is never pay anything to anyone who professes to have a guaranteed winning system or Roulette strategy as you will lose your money.

We have heard so many times over the years that if a number hasn’t come up for a while, it must be ‘due’ to come in. This is nonsense as any number has the same chance of coming in each spin irrespective of whether it came in the last spin, 10 spins ago or 100 spins ago.

This has become known as ‘the Gamblers Fallacy’. This seems to be the basis for the vast majority of betting systems and as such, means the system is flawed from the start. An example would be if 3 even numbers come in a row, it is, therefore, more likely that the next number will be odd.

This is simply not the case as in a casino website a Random Number Generator (RNG) is used to determine the outcome of a given hand and it doesn’t ever take into account previous results; in the same way, a land-based casino uses a wheel in which the speed of the spin and speed of the roll are not constant and so again, the outcome of the next spin is in no way related to the past spins.

That being said, I have provided below two popular betting systems that I’ve been very successful with when playing Roulette.

The Martingale System

This system gets you to gamble on even money bets such as odd/even, high/low, black/red etc.
Every time you lose a bet you need to double your bet every time you lose.

The thinking behind this is simple enough. If you start with €1 and lose 4 bets in a row, you will lose €1 the first bet, double this to €2, double this to €4 and then double this to €8. Therefore you are €15 down. The next bet would be for €16 and if this wins, it returns €32, so a total profit over the 5 hands of €1.

There is an obvious flaw to this system, however, in that if you were to lose the 5th bet, you are suddenly €31, the next bet is €32 which would result in a loss of €63. Although the chances of losing 6 even bets in a row are slim, there is a possibility and if you find yourself at the end of your bankroll, you can face a substantial loss.

To overcome this problem I recommend that you place a cap on the 3rd bet in the round. Therefore, if you start with a $10 bet and loose, the next bet doubles to $20, and the 3rd bet doubles to $40. This will limit your losses and you will find that more often than not you will be able to complete a series of rounds without loosing 3 spins in a row. I usually set a goal for winnings that represents a series, so for example, if betting $10 per round I would set the goal at $150 or $200 to complete the series. I then take a break before playing again or finishing for the day. If in a series you do hit 3 losses in a row this is not the end and you can still recover, but this adds more risk and time to that session of play.

You can read a more in-depth article on The Martingale Betting System here.

The 1-3-2-6 Staking Plan

This is actually a reasonable way to bet a small amount and sensibly enjoy yourself without risking too much.
The name is basically a 4 stage betting system with the number shown the number of units for each bet.
Again, it concentrates on even money betting as opposed to the larger odds.

Starting with a bet of 1 unit, we will use €1 as an example. The thinking behind it is that as the chances of guessing correctly are near enough 50/50 – slightly less due to the Zero, as long as you are playing European or French Roulette, which have only one Zero – it is possible that you could win 4 times in a row every so often which will result in the winnings from that 4 bet cycle overcoming any losses.

The first bet, the 1, would be for $1.

If any bet loses, the next bet would be for 1 unit again as the cycle needs to be restarted. If the bet wins, you then have $2 on the table and you need to add a further €1 to ensure the second bet is for 3 units. The good thing about this System is that this is the only time during the cycle you need to add more funds, the rest are taken from winnings.

If the 2nd bet loses, you end up down $2, the maximum loss for any stage. If the 2nd bet wins, you have €6 on the table.

You would now remove $4 and leave the remaining €2 for the 3rd bet of the cycle. If this bet was to lose, you would end the cycle up $2 as you risked $1 on stage 1, $1 on stage 2 and pocketed $4 after the end of stage 2. Should stage 3 win, you have $4 on the table and would now add a further $2 from your winnings to make $6.

The 4th and final stage would result in you breaking even for that stage, whereas a win would give you the maximum return of a $12 profit over the 4 bets.

As mentioned, this is only a unit, so if you wanted to risk more, you can start with $2 instead of $1 and double each level, if you wanted to reduce and the table allows it, you can start with a $0.50 bet and half the other levels.

To summarise, using the 1-3-2-6 Staking Plan playing $1 per unit, you would:

Lose $1 if you lost on Bet 1.

Lose $2 if you lost on Bet 2.

Win $2 if you lost on Bet 3.

Break Even if you lost on Bet 4.

Win $12 if you win on Bet 4.

Potentially, you could actually lose 6 cycles in a row on Bet 2, resulting in the maximum loss each time of $2, but just one win of the 4 consecutive bets would see you break even.

You can read here a more in-depth article on The 1-3-2-6 Staking Plan.

Roulette Tips

Roulette is a hard game to win on because it has some of the worst odds of all casino games but there are some things you can do to reduce the house edge. Use the following roulette tips as a supplement to a good roulette strategy.

  1. Always choose the European or French Roulette wheels over the American Wheel as this wheel will give you a 2.63% edge over the house.
  2. Find a table with limits you’re comfortable with. Each roulette table should have its minimum and maximum bets clearly posted.
  3. If you have noticed that one number is being spun more often than the others out of around 100 spins then you may have what is called a biased wheel. This is one of the only true advantages a player has against the casino. This is for playing at live casinos
  4. Never play the five number bet, 0-00-1-2-3. This bet has the worst odds on the roulette table.
  5. Depending on the casino, column bets are often the best roulette bet for the online games. Choose a column and hang in there with it.
  6. Because of the luck/chance nature of roulette, players should always bear in mind that with games such as these the number one priority should be to have fun, whilst making a profit.
  7. You can place as many bets as you like on a single spin of the wheel up to the table maximum.
  8. Some casinos use a rule called en prison. When a zero or double zero hits, the player loses half the bet or can let the bet remain in play, with the results to be determined on the next spin. This rule only applies to even money bets.
  9. With the 38-number American wheel, the house has a big 5.26 percent edge. (Whenever 0 or 00 are hit, all bets lose.)
  10. With the 37-number European wheel, the house advantage is 2.7 percent. In other words, on every $100 bet the house makes $2.70. With the en prison rule, this edge drops to just 1.35 percent.
  11. If you use a betting system, such as the Fast Double Bet or the Flat Bed Counting, try to win more money in fewer spins.
  12. Roulette Tip: A Roulette wheel has no memory so every single spin is independent of spins that occurred in the past. Knowing this makes betting systems let effective instantly.
  13. Roulette Tip: Do not think you can beat the house edge at Roulette, it’s simply too big. If you win in the short term, cash out because if you keep playing the house edge will more then likely defeat you.
  14. Roulette Tip: Increase your bets when you’re winning and not when your losing.

Read on to Part III the final part of this series “Roulette Payouts & Odds” below

Part I – How to Play Roulette
Part II – Roulette Strategy & Tips
Part III – Roulette Payouts & Odds

Roulette Tips

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