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The Definition Of Degenerate

  1. Degenerate Synonym Urban Dictionary
  2. Define Degenerate


Definition of degenerate (Entry 1 of 3) 1 a: having declined or become less specialized (as in nature, character, structure, or function) from an ancestral or former state the last degenerate member of a noble family — W. Some common synonyms of degenerate are corrupt, iniquitous, nefarious, vicious, and villainous. While all these words mean 'highly reprehensible or offensive in character, nature, or conduct,' degenerate suggests having sunk to an especially vicious or enervated condition. A degenerate regime propped up. To become worse, for example by becoming lower in quality or weaker synonym deteriorate Her health degenerated quickly. Degenerate into something The march degenerated into a riot. Definition of Degenerate. To fall below a certain level of quality. Examples of Degenerate in a sentence. Without any maintenance, the once grand house began to degenerate into a rundown mansion. 🔊 Everyone expects the divorce negotiations to degenerate into a screaming match between the couple.

dɪd͡ʒˈɛnəɹˌe͡ɪt], dɪd‍ʒˈɛnəɹˌe‍ɪt], d_ɪ_dʒ_ˈɛ_n_ə_ɹ_ˌeɪ_t]
  • unrestrainedbyconventionormorality; 'Congreve draws adebauchedaristocraticsociety'; 'deplorablydissipatedanddegraded'; 'riotousliving'; 'fastwomen'
  • apersonwhosebehavior deviates fromwhatisacceptableespeciallyin sexual behavior
Etymology2006- WordNet 3.0
By Princeton University
  • unrestrainedbyconventionormorality; 'Congreve draws adebauchedaristocraticsociety'; 'deplorablydissipatedanddegraded'; 'riotousliving'; 'fastwomen'
  • apersonwhosebehavior deviates fromwhatisacceptableespeciallyin sexual behavior
2011The Definition Of Degenerate- English Dictionary DatabaseWhat is the definition of degenerate
By DataStellar Co., Ltd
  • Havingbecomeworsethan one's kind, or one's formerstate; havingdeclinedinworth; havinglostingoodness; deteriorated; degraded; unworthy; base; low.
  • Tobeorgrowworsethan one's kind, orthanonewasoriginally; hence, tobeinferior; togrow poorer, meaner, ormorevicious; todeclineingood qualities; todeteriorate.
2010- New Age Dictionary Database
By Oddity Software
  • Havingbecomeworsethan one's kind, or one's formerstate; havingdeclinedinworth; havinglostingoodness; deteriorated; degraded; unworthy; base; low.
  • Tobeorgrowworsethan one's kind, orthanonewasoriginally; hence, tobeinferior; togrow poorer, meaner, ormorevicious; todeclineingood qualities; todeteriorate.
1913- Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
By Noah Webster.
  • Tobeorgrowworse; todecline; tobecomeinferioringoodnessorquality; deteriorate.
  • Ofalowgradeof morals; deteriorated; degraded; as, degenerate offspring.
  • Apersonororganismthathasbecomeworsethanitskind; apersonoflow morals.
  • Degenerately.
1919What is the definition of degenerate- The Winston Simplified Dictionary
By William Dodge Lewis, Edgar Arthur Singer
  • Degenerately.
  • Tobecomeworse; decline; deteriorate.
  • Deteriorated; degraded.
  • A deteriorated ordegradedindividual.
  • Degenerateness.
1919- The Concise Standard Dictionary of the English Language
By James Champlin Fernald
  • Degeneration.
  • Havingdeclinedinworth; weak; base.
  • Tosinktoalowerstate; declineinworth.
1894- The Clarendon dictionary
By William Hand Browne, Samuel Stehman Haldeman
  • Tofallfromahigherandbetterphysicalor moral type; todecayingood qualities; topassfromagoodtoabadstate.

Degenerate Synonym Urban Dictionary

- Nuttall's Standard dictionary of the English language

Define Degenerate

By Nuttall, P.Austin.
  • Tobecomeworse; todecayingood qualities; todeclineinvirtue.
  • Thathasfallenfromagoodtoaworsestateorcondition; base; mean; fallen.
1874- Etymological and pronouncing dictionary of the English language
By Stormonth, James, Phelp, P. H.
  • Onewho shows deviationfromthenormaltypeinmental attributes; deviate, abetterterm, sincetherearehighandlow deviates, hencesuperiortoorinferiortonormal. [Lat.]
1916- Appleton's medical dictionary
By Smith Ely Jelliffe
  • Unlikehis ancestors; unworthy, base.
1790Biology- A Complete Dictionary of the English Language
By Thomas Sheridan


  • See Sirocco.
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